Δευτέρα 18 Ιουλίου 2011

Get drunk on life

Though I am officially on vacation and my main focus should be on how to squeeze more fun out of each day,I find that I frequently revert to my habitual non-vacational pastime:planning and worrying about future stuff. 

Wait a minute,I don't want that in my vacation,vacations are supposed to be about taking a break from routine or problems!They are supposed to be all about fun,about getting drunk on life!

What does it mean to get drunk on life?

It means being so super excited about what you are experiencing or doing at the moment that you get naturally high.

How do you do that?

You do that by living in the moment.

Just like a child,you are so absorbed in the task at hand,so lost in the beauty of what you are doing at any given moment,that nothing else exists for you.You don't worry about an upcoming appointment with the dentist,you're not anxious about your next playdate,you're not looking forward to the next visit to the playground,you're not holding resentment over yesterday's quarell with your friend.

You are just there.Doing your thing and loving it.

This state transcents all kinds of meditation.Because it's effortless and incredibly fun.And the stuff real happiness is made of.Because whenever you get so absorbed in an experience,your vibration immediately doubles or triples up.Then,as your vibrations goes up,you become a magnet for all good things.On the other hand,when you do not live in the moment and you are constantly thinking or worried about what comes next,your vibration drops insanely fast until it eventually plateaus at a boring neutral state that can give you just enough energy to function in your normal life,just to 'get by'.

Most kids get this living in the moment thing.(Unless they've been seriously abused by adults).The younger the kid,they easier he/she gets it.Most adults on the other hand don't.


Because kids are really focused on whatever experience they are having at the moment.Most adults are too busy thinking,planning,or worrying about a thousant things all at once.You can't focus on one thing unless you de-focus from everything else first.

Yeah,easily said than done.Years and years,decades even,of not being present in the moment have formed a habit almost impossible to overcome.Try it for yourself for a day or even an hour or two.You'll realise it's not that easy because your mind keeps slipping back to its old routine of either worrying about/looking forward to a future event/obsessing over a past experience.

So what's the solution?

A.Re-learn focusing in the present moment

Begin by commiting to it.Then start asking yourself the same question throughout the day:''Am I in the Now,Future,or Past"?Unless you are meditating and consciously choosing to mentally transport to a timeline different to the one you are experiencing in your physical reality,you should keep your focus on your present moment by getting your mind back on track.Bring yourself back to the present again and again and again by consciously paying attention to where you are mentally at any given moment.If you keep at it,it will eventually become a habit.But you have to mean it and persist.You may even use a visual reminder,ring,bracelet,watch,pen,or even draw a sigh on your hand,or whatever helps you the most to remind yourself to get back to the present.

B.Choose more fun activities in your everyday life

Here's the reason why you formed the habit of not being present in the first place.Maybe it started at school.Being bored to death most of the time there leaves kids with two alternatives:either do other,more fun stuff to keep themselves occupied (but this is very much frowned upon because it is considered as disruptive behaviour),or get lost in a world of their own where there is much more interesting stuff to focus on.Then the same pattern is repeated more or less in all adult life.Because for most adults our lives are filled with boring,repetitive,souless activities,our minds rebel by putting our bodies into autopilot and mentally escaping into the future or past.

 The solution:more fun on a daily basis.Consciously schedule your days to include as much fun as possible.Incorporate fun as an integral part of your routine,like showering or brushing your teeth.When your days are fun-packed you are much more likely to be in the present.Then,as having fun becomes habitual,you'll start being in the present even when performing activities that you previously deemed as boring or uninteresting.Then another miracle happens:everything you do,no matter how trivial ,becomes interesting,even fun1

Get into the habit of enjoying every moment.Whenever you are in the midsts of a fun,playful activity or a happy thought,don't just rush into the next moment.Take your time and soak in the deliciousness of the moment.Rejoice in the fact that you are alive and having this experience or thought.And give thanks for it before you go on to another one.

Here's my plan on how to go about  this:I've compiled a bucket list of fun activities,things or experiences I'd love to try.I frequently have a look and choose one of these to try.Tomorrow I'll post some of the stuff I've accomplished so far.

Try it for yourself!It works!

                                                    this photo from here

                                        Love,peace and living in the moment



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