Τετάρτη 5 Οκτωβρίου 2011

All your nightnares will come true

You attract everything in your life with the energy of your attractor field.The more powerful that energy,the faster and stronger the manifestation you'll see materialising in your life.

 Both fear and love are strong attractor forces and so they both have the potential to attract stuff to your life.Quite often the fear of something is stronger that the love of its opposite and so-  yes,you guessed it-  it's the object of our fears that manifests in our lives and not the object of our desires.

Andreas Moritz states it very eloquently:

 ''Your wallet or car may be stolen because you asked for true abundance in life. Your home might burn down because you are terrified at the thought of being homeless. A lifelong partner whom you have given all our trust and love for so many years may suddenly decide to leave you because you feel life would become so empty and useless without them. What follows the 'because' in each of these situations highlights a particular type of fear that remains hidden until you lose what you have, a fear that forms the basis of separating yourself from the stream of life. Having a full wallet, an expensive car, a comfortable home, and a reliable, trustworthy partner are all wonderful and well-deserved things as long as we can exist without these just as well. If we believe we cannot, then it isn't in our best interest to have them anyway.
We have been living in this dream world that (successfully) tried to convince us we were worth something only if we owned something else, such as a good name, a successful career, a house, a car, and/or a family. We have come to a point in human history where we measure or value people by how much money, power and influence they have. The media and entertainment industry display and promote the image that those people who do not have these or similar things in their possession are failures, poverty-stricken, and even outcasts of society. Yet however far the truth has been twisted, even the rich and famous, the powerful and admired members of society face the same challenges in life; they only truly own what they are able to let go of. So life's lessons include the acquisition of all these things and, if need be, also their loss.
Loss is not meant as a punishment but as a blessing. Because what we gain by freeing ourselves from the blinding effects of ego-gratification and attachment to the illusion of owning possessions is priceless. The difference lies in being in command of all streams of abundance versus being at the receiving end of a small trickle of abundance. It is our destiny on this Earth plane to end our enslavement to fleeting riches that have no lasting bearing on the quality and evolution of the soul, and to assume mastership of everything we need and want. We are meant to enjoy as much abundance as the universe has to offer but as long as we are attached to it or try to own it, which is poverty consciousness, abundance cannot offer any lasting enjoyment and therefore leaves you empty-handed and empty-hearted.''

What am I scared of?

I am scared of ending up alone,unloved,without a partner or my children's love.I am scared of proving to be worthless at business and screwing up my kids future because of bad financial decisions.I am scared of petty gossips ruining my reputation.And I am scared of not being strong enough to cope on my own.

What are your pet nightmares?Only you should know that.But listen:

Everything you hate and you are really scared of is bound to come and meet you sooner or later,UNLESS you stop it on its tracks by focusing on fun ,fun,fun!

  -Stop focusing on the economy meltdown or else it is going to become your reality ever after

  -Stop focusing on your loneliness or you'll end up alone

   -Stop focusing on your ailments or your health will deteriorate

  -Stop focusing on your partner's shortcomings,otherwise you'll see more of them

What should you focus on instead?

Fun.Focus on fun instead.Whatever this may mean to you.Focus on fun.Please.It's important for your wellbeing.And mine,because we all take part in this collective dream and your nightmare is bound to give me one too,sooner or later.

So focus on fun and I promise I'll do the same

                   Love,peace and happy dreaming


1 σχόλιο:

  1. Awesome blog, as usual, Eirini! You have so much wisdom to share - thank you for the daily inspiration! Love to you, my dear friend <3

